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Free Medicaid Guide

Free Medicaid Guide

A free “cheat sheet” for nursing home staff who get asked about Medicaid eligibility rules.

Used by scores of Houston area nursing homes. Save time explaining Medicaid eligibility rules.

Instantly understand new Medicaid rules and help families at the same time.

Get Finger Tip Access to Medicaid’s Latest Eligibility Limits

Save time explaining Medicaid basics and reduce the confusion families have about Medicaid eligibility. Subscribe to this free service and always be up-to-date with the Texas Medicaid asset and income limits.
You get finger-tip access to Medicaid’s latest eligibility limits including

  • The 2019 assets protection limits for both single and married applicants
  • How much income a Medicaid applicant can keep in 2019
  • What a Miller Trusts is, how it is properly used and when one is really needed
  • The amount of income the community spouse can have to pay bills
  • Gifting penalties and how they are calculated

Plus you will receive free updates whenever they occur. Along with the guides you receive my full permission to hand out these colorful educational guides to as many families as you like.
Subscribe now. Complete the information to the right. You’ll have your supply of guides in your hands in a few days.

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I want an easy way to save time and keep up-to-date with Medicaid’s latest financial guidelines.
Please supply me with up-to-date Medicaid Guides. I understand you are granting me unlimited rights to distribute the guides and can request additional guides at any time.

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