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Finding a Good Elder Care Attorney in Houston

A Simple Interview Strategy to Pick Out Your Houston Elder Care Attorney

Finding a good Houston elder care attorney isn’t easy, especially if you don’t have much experience working with lawyers. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a legal expert to find the right elder law attorney for you. Separating the wheat from the chaff is as simple as a few straightforward elder law questions.

6 Questions to Help You Identify the Perfect Houston Elder Care Attorney

Question 1 – “What Area of Elder Law Do You Focus On”
This is one of the most important questions to ask an elder law attorney because it’s the best way to get a feel for their level of expertise.

You see, the entire field of elder law is massive, and there’s no way to be a true expert in everything. Here at Holland Elder Law, I focus on nursing home care, Medicaid and estate planning, and that’s what I’ll tell you upfront. However, if your potential Houston elder care attorney can’t tell you a specific area of expertise, or if their specialty isn’t what you need help with, you may wish to consult someone else.

After all, the reason you hire an attorney is for expert legal advice, right?

Question 2 – “Are You an Official NAELA Member?”
The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys is an organization for legal professionals in the areas of elder and special needs, all of whom are dedicated to the continued improvement of their legal services. You can visit the NAELA website at  for an official state directory to help you choose a NAELA member in Houston.

Question 3. “How would you describe your typical client?”
Ideally, you’d like to work with an elder law attorney who works with clients similar to you or your loved one. As with Question 1, the goal of this question is to assess how much attention, enthusiasm and expertise your prospective lawyer will bring to your case.

Question 4. “How long have you been practicing in Texas?”
Especially for something like Medicaid planning, which involves a unique set of policies from state to state, it’s important to find a Houston elder care attorney or law firm who’s been practicing in Texas for several years. That way, you can rest assured that they know Texas state laws inside and out, ensuring that your legal issues will be resolved optimally.

Question 5. “What is your preferred method of communication?”
Setting clear communication expectations upfront will make your life much easier. Figure out how your attorney likes to communicate – email, in person or over the phone – and how often they like to do so. You want to find a lawyer who will do a good job of keeping you in the loop with a communication style that works for you … This question is how you figure that out.

Question 6. “What are your fees to solve my problem?”
This one is both obvious and self-explanatory, but it’s listed here because it’s important. Try to get a total project estimate. Shopping around on hourly costs alone won’t give you the full picture. Avoid simple price shopping. You are not buying a commodity. You want the best advice possible at a time like this. Paying for a lawyer you like and trust is a worthwhile investment. A quality elder law attorney will pay you back in peace of mind and saved nursing home care costs.

Time to Start Interviewing

That’s it! These six questions to ask an elder law attorney should make it easy to choose which of the lawyers in Houston you want to work with. As you’re making your decision, remember that expertise is worth paying for and that your personal preference matters.

If you have any more questions for me, I’d be happy to answer them. I offer a free consultation for all new clients. Give me a call (713) 970-1300 or shoot me an email and I’d be happy to chat. Finding a Houston elder care attorney you can trust doesn’t have to be daunting – just shop around, trust your gut, and don’t be afraid to ask questions!

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